The Beauty Insiders Blog
If you’ve spat out blood into the sink after brushing your teeth then you are probably suffering from gum disease, however you are certainly not alone. The NHS highlights the point that most adults in the UK suffer from this...
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Walk into a store offering oral care and you will be drowned in options, varying from a budget £1 toothbrush, to an exceptionally high tech electric version offering almost everything except cooking your dinner and driving you home after work....
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A natural tendency for people suffering from stress, or for others a natural habit they’ve had from a young age, many of us bite our nails, but many don’t realise the potential damage they are causing to their teeth. Stress,...
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While some of us manage to get a decent portion of our life repeatedly getting those stickers to highlight they’ve never had a filling, for the rest of us we are paying tooth and nail (pun intended) for dental fees....
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Activated charcoal has been a staple ingredient for a number of products and filtering systems in the past, due to its potent absorbing abilities, however its use is branching out into new and exciting areas. Below we cover some interesting...
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