How To Pick The Right Toothbrush

Walk into a store offering oral care and you will be drowned in options, varying from a budget £1 toothbrush, to an exceptionally high tech electric version offering almost everything except cooking your dinner and driving you home after work. So how do you pick the right brush? Well fortunately we have been doing some research, so read on for what to look for.
Soft Bristles
This is the common reason why your dentist will tell you to change your toothbrush every three months, as the brushes will get stiff and will no longer be as effective at reaching all areas of the mouth. The small heads allow you to reach the back teeth, which are often a problem area, while the small brush will help to effectively remove plaque and any other debris present.
Size Matters
They used to all come in one size, but now there seems to be about a dozen different sizes you can get. So as a general principle we recommend choosing one which is 1” long and ½” wide. Everyone’s mouth and teeth size could be different, so you just need to consider you want it to comfortably fit into your mouth and be able to clean 1-2 teeth at a time. You don’t want an oversized brush for the point previously mentioned, they can prevent you from reaching those back teeth or hard to reach areas.
Bruxism? Go Very Soft
If you grind your teeth at night then you are causing a huge amount of damage to your teeth, so beyond visiting the dentist for advice, we also recommend an extra soft bristled brush.
Check Seal Of Approval
Most toothbrushes, of decent quality, are put through rigorous testing to prove their credentials and will therefore have a badge of honour on the packaging. For our cousins across the pond, they can look out for the American Dental Assocation (ADA) on the brush, while in the UK you can look out for the smiling face with ‘oral health foundation approved’ around the logo.
Consider A Timer
If you have an electric toothbrush then you might want one that has a beeping timer after you’ve reached 2 minutes. This might seem like a ridiculous addition, but the average person doesn’t get close to a minute of cleaning, which isn’t long enough to get optimal results, therefore this can help. On the other hand, you could just set a timer on your phone.
Comfortable Handle
Now we are really getting on to the lesser-factors, as comfort isn’t a huge issue, unless it is flimsy and could slip out of your hand or cause damage to your mouth. But you should try and find one that feels comfortable in your mouth, any extra little tricks to keep you cleaning for longer.
Children Need Smaller
If you are buying a toothbrush for a child then you have to be wary of the smaller mouth and teeth size, therefore you may want to go for a child-focused brush, which is much smaller. You could also consider the design on the brush, as their favourite cartoon character on the brush could help to increase the chances of brushing (not scientifically backed, just mere hoping).
Forget No Namers
If it’s a brush for dirt cheap with an unheard of brand, just don’t touch it. It might save yourself some money, but it could cost you a lot more in the long run at the dentists. Products should always have to go through strict safety checks to ensure quality levels, however when the cost is ridiculously low, you have to question this factor.
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