Zinc Gluconate

Quick Facts
- Type of zinc salt that has proven to be effective against inflammatory acne
- Contains a lot of antibacterial properties making it a powerful blemish fighting skin ingredient
- Provides speedy wound healing abilities for all skin types
- Known for having little to no side effects when applied or taken orally
Who can use it?
All skin types benefit from this skincare ingredient added into their daily routine.
What is Zinc Gluconate?
Zinc gluconate is a very popular ingredient that is often used in formulas, particularly those used for fighting acne. With a number of studies and research has proven it to be a potent ingredient when combating all aspects of blemishes, breakouts and frequent acne. With its antibacterial abilities and sebum-regulating benefits the skin is protected from the spot-causing bacteria P. acnes this not only reduces how often you suffer from spots, but also speeds up any surface wounds from inflammations and soothes the overall health and appearance of the complexion. The way zinc gluconate differs from zinc, is the gluconate part itself plays an important part in the cellular regeneration of the skin resulting in it looking younger and healthier, but also gives it a better absorption ability making any other skincare products penetrate further down into the lower layers of the skin.
Side effects of Zinc Gluconate
No known side effects, as always if you have a super-sensitive skin type its best to consult with a doctor to avoid any skin irritation.
Scientific evidence of Zinc Gluconate
- Dreno, B., et al. "Low doses of zinc gluconate for inflammatory acne." Acta Derm Venereol 69.6 (1989): 541-3.
- Dreno, Brigitte, et al. "Multicenter randomized comparative double-blind controlled clinical trial of the safety and efficacy of zinc gluconate versus minocycline hydrochloride in the treatment of inflammatory acne vulgaris." Dermatology 203.2 (2001): 135-140.
- Tenaud, I., et al. "In vitro modulation of keratinocyte wound healing integrins by zinc, copper and manganese." British Journal of Dermatology 140.1 (1999): 26-34.