Polypodium Vulgare Rhizome Extract

Polypodium Vulgare Rhizome Extract


  • CAS #: 84929-44-2 | EC #: 284-527-3

Quick Facts

  • Also known as Polypody Rhizome Extract
  • Derived from a wintergreen fern found throughout Europe
  • Aids skin conditioning to hydrate the outer surface
  • Acts as a humectant to lock moisture into the skin
  • Promotes skin health to resist signs of stress and ageing to the skin

Who can use it?

Anyone who hasn’t shown any signs of allergic reaction or irritation when using the ingredient.

What is Polypodium Vulgare Rhizome Extract?

An extract from the plant stems of a wintergreen fern that grows across Europe. It’s main benefits for the skin are increasing its ability to reduce any stress and signs of ageing that appear on the skin surface. With high levels of Polypodine A it can help repair after minor burns and superficial wounds resulting in it being able to delay oxidative stress and enzyme damage that can have long lasting effects on the skin. It also contains humectant benefits meaning it can keep the barrier that sits on the outer surface to remain hydrated, healthy and able to protect itself from environmental aggressors and other free radical damage.

Side effects of Polypodium Vulgare Rhizome Extract

No known side effects, however there are still studies taking place on this ingredient, so if you have any concerns its best to consult with a doctor or dermatologist.