Bambusa Vulgaris Extract (Also known as Bamboo)

Quick Facts
- One of the richest natural sources of silica in the world
- Provides instant and long-lasting hydration to the skin
- Enriched in antioxidants benefits and replenishes the collagen protection in the lower layers of the skin
- Contains antibacterial properties and can combat problematic and blemish-prone skin types
Who can use it?
Every skin type, with some precaution taken by those with sensitive skin to avoid allergic reactions or irritation.
What is Bambusa Vulgaris Extract?
More commonly known as the panda’s favourite meal, bamboo. Used for centuries in traditional medicine this natural ingredient has been dubbed a youth elixir due to the high levels of silica which can repair the damage caused by free radicals and regenerates collagen giving the skin an all-over youthful bounce. Not only does this clever plant extract provide anti-ageing benefits, you will also find it provides the skin with support in locking in moisture and keeping the skin’s natural barrier fully functioning with the correct levels of hydration keeping your skin in its healthiest state. Blemish-fighting is another talent of bamboo with any active flare-ups significantly reduced, redness calmed and excess sebum removed.
Side effects of Bambusa Vulgaris Extract
No known side effects when using bambusa vulgaris extract, however we do recommend you consult a doctor or dermatologist if you have any concerns before applying it to the skin.