How to Transition Your Skincare from Fall to Winter?

You’ve pulled out the jumpers, pile the blankets on for a cosy night in, you maybe even turned the heating on. But have you considered about preparing your skin for the transition from fall to winter?
Our skin encounters environmental stresses every day, wind, rain, humidity and central heating, all of which can make a cocktail of free radicals ready to cause some damage to the skin. With the winter chill creeping in our skin is the first to notice and feel the effects, which are usually dryer, flaky, itching skin that can also be a lot more fragile than you are used to.
With the seasons changing you will also find that recurring skin concerns such as eczema and psoriasis rashes having the tendency of flaring up making matters a whole lot worse. Don’t worry yourself too much as we’ve got you covered and will be sharing a few helpful tips and tweaks for skincare changes that will help your skin survive the winter.
How can I change my skincare routine in winter?
There are a few seasonal swaps you can make when changing your skincare routine in winter, you may be pleased to hear that it doesn’t take a lot of effort to make the switch.
- Choose a richer cleanser
By changing to a richer, creamy cleanser you will be adding a hint of luxury into your routine during those frosty winter days. With temperatures dropping your skin has an increased case of becoming more sensitive making it a better idea to use a more-gentle cream cleanser compared to the foaming formulas that many of us enjoy using throughout the summer months. Foaming cleansers are known to strip the skin of vital water and oils which is certainly something you would want to avoid during the winter months.
- Use a gentle exfoliant
As the skin gets drier chances are there will be some flakiness which can build-up rapidly resulting in the complexion looking dull. This can be easily avoided by adding an exfoliating step in your skincare routine. For this you would want to stay away from harsh scrubs and instead opt for a liquid exfoliator that contains a powerful Alpha-hydroxy acid, such as glycolic acid. With a quick swipe of a soaked cotton disc you will be able to banish any remaining debris and dead skin cells making the skin more absorbent for the following stages of your regime.
- Apply a hydrating serum
Serums will be your secret weapon for combating winter-induced skin concerns. The beauty of serums is that they penetrate the skin further than moisturiser allowing the skin to reap the rewards of deep hydration, especially if you decide on one that is packed with potent ingredients such as hyaluronic acid or niacinamide both of which offer desirable results of plumper and glowing looking complexion with moisture successfully locked in skin providing on going hydration throughout the day.
- Don’t forget vitamin C
Vitamin C can be found in the formulas to many products and is a powerhouse ingredient when it comes to keeping the skin looking vibrant. You will also find that this vitamin is an antioxidant meaning it can help battle against free radicals and other aggressors that can cause a great deal of damage to the protective barrier of the skin. This breakdown in the outer layer will lead to a number of concerns, from premature ageing, uneven skin tone and rough texture.
- Introduce an overnight mask
Our skin is able to rejuvenate skin cells and repair damaging whilst we sleep so introducing a highly moisturising overnight mask will be something your skin is truly thankful for. To really maximise the boost in hydration look out for face masks with formulas containing hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, natural essential oils, such as almond and coconut, not forgetting shea butter for the extremely dry and sensitive skin types. By slathering your face in this mask before getting some shut eye you are giving the skin enough time to fully absorb the moisture of the ingredients.
These simple skincare swaps will see you through the seasonal change from fall to winter and you will find your skin will remain healthy, well balanced and glowing.
How do I prepare my skin for winter?
You are able to prepare your skin for winter with the skincare swaps we have previously mentioned, however there are some additional tweaks to your routine that you can make to help your skin face the winter with the peace of mind that you won’t have months of dry, tight and uncomfortable skin awaiting you.
- Avoid taking showers and baths that are too hot, this will stop your skin from drying out even more
- Don’t forget to protect your lips! Applying a thick lip balm in the evenings and mornings allowing enough time for it to absorb before any makeup
- Always wear SPF, yes even in the winter as UVA rays are around even on the most miserable days and will cause the skin to show signs of premature ageing
- Stay hydrated, your skin needs water more than ever so keep up with your water intake for the day
You will find that teaming all these skincare tips will have your skin fully prepared and ready face whatever the winter throws at it, let’s just hope it isn’t a snowball…
How long does it take for your skin to adjust to a new routine?
This really depends on how different the routine is to anything you have had before. For example, if you already use a serum with vitamin C or hyaluronic acid then you may find there really isn’t much of a difference. But don’t get me wrong, this is a good sign as it means you are still keeping your skin happy whilst the seasons change. By adding a richer formula of moisturisers and cleansers to your winter skincare routine you may find that any hint of dryness or flakiness will become less noticeable after 2 weeks.
Consistency is key to keeping your skin looking and feeling its best throughout the transition from fall to winter allowing time for the skin to adjust to the heavier formulas.
Should you use retinol in the winter?
Yes, you certainly can! From all the skincare ingredients available on the market there is none as hard working as retinol. Praised for its powerful and multi-functioning abilities to help restore the skin of any fine lines, wrinkles, uneven skin tone and texture.
If you already have a well-established skincare routine that has retinol then you will find no trouble in continuing to use it in the winter, just be advised that the skin can be prone to sensitivity so try applying the product less often to begin with.
How can I protect my oily skin in winter?
Protecting oily skin in the winter is must the same as other skin types, however there are a couple of points to remember that will keep your skin happy and functioning properly.
- Ensure your moisturiser doesn’t contain ingredients that are too heavy, such as shea butter, as this can lead to blocked pores, excess sebum and breakouts
- Continue to cleanse and exfoliate the skin even if there isn’t the urge to do so, that way your skin will remain healthy and glowing
- Change up your body care products to ones that contain glycerin and natural oils to help keep the body moisturised
There you have the main tips to remember when swapping your skincare routine with the seasonal change, much like throwing on your scarf and gloves you will find using these swaps will become second nature with winter skin dryness being a thing of the past. Don’t forget to take a look at the Intensive Skin Defence Balm, the ultimate skincare product that will rescue your skin from any hint of dryness this winter.
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