How Often Should You Use A Face Mask?

How Often Should You Use A Face Mask?

This has certainly been the year for making a little more time for yourself and setting the recharge buttons. Face masks play an important role in the matter packed with skin nourishing ingredients, they are the perfect additional treatment product that will take your skincare routine up a level to the ultimate self care rejuvenating pamper. Today we are going to answer some of the most popular questions we have seen about face masks, so stick around and you will find out more about face masks and how often you should be using them.

Can you use a face mask every day?

This all really depends on the face mask and the type of skin you have. A majority of face masks can be used up to 3 times a week while others should only be used when instructed, the easiest way to avoid any unwanted skin irritations or flare-up is to read the instructions that are printed on the packaging. Much like all skincare products, it really boils down to personal preference and skin type, meaning whichever works for you is the best way to continue.

Something you have to remember is the results you get from using a face mask are short term. If you are finding yourself wanting to apply a face mask every day to help treat a particular skin concern, such as blemishes, dullness or wrinkles then it would benefit you more by investing in a serum or face oil, both of which are formulated to deliver long term results. Using a concentrated serum and face mask in your routine gives you the optimal approach to looking after your skin in the most effective way.

Formulas and ingredients all vary in potency and effectiveness, meaning there will be a face mask available to help treat your skin and any concerns you have, to get a better idea of how often you should use a face mask we are going to share with you the most popular face masks and why their ingredients will help your skin look healthy.

Clay and mud

Clay and mud are no doubt the first thing that pop into your head when you hear the word face mask. They have a thick, gooey consistency and mainly focus on detoxifying your skin making them ideal for oily and blemish-prone skin types. With the ability to draw out any excess sebum, dirt, bacteria and leftover product that can cause the pores to become congested and create a flare-up of spots. You can use a clay or mud mask up to 3 times a week and shouldn't leave it on the skin longer than 15 minutes as they are that good at drawing out any excess sebum, that it may cause some dryness to the skin.

Cream or gel

You will find cream face masks help deeply hydrate the skin allowing any signs of dryness, dehydration and dullness become a thing of the past. They are generally a lot lighter in consistency and enriched in active ingredients that help to replenish and restore almost all skin types. Usually containing high levels of hyaluronic acid you are able to use these style masks without too much concern with any irritation or reaction, however it is always advisable to check the formula with your doctor or a dermatologist should you have any concerns. They may also vary due to them being an ‘overnight mask’ which are applied liberally on the skin and slept  allowing the ingredients to penetrate into the skin. You can apply cream or gel face masks 3 to 4 times a week if your skin remains happy and healthy.


Much like a clay or mud mask, you can expect to gain similar results when using a charcoal face mask. With the activated charcoal absorbing skin impurities to combat breakouts, congested skin and oiliness. Charcoal face masks will benefit combination, oily and blemish-prone skin types the most. They can be applied for 15 minutes and used once or twice a week, any more you will find the skin may begin to feel tight with areas of dryness and flaking. If you have a dry skin type or suffer from some skin sensitivity but still want the detoxifying benefits then use a charcoal mask one a week or once every few weeks after you are given the go ahead from a doctor or dermatologist.

Peel Away

Peel away masks are usually packed with AHAs and BHAs meaning they are extremely potent and are not for the faint hearted (or sensitive skinned for that matter). The exfoliating benefits of these face masks help anyone suffering from congested or textured skin. Once peeled off you are left with skin that is glowing with a healthy-looking complexion with any signs or build-up of dirt, bacteria and left-over products removed. Due to these masks being considered the most aggressive when it comes to the results and formulations it means that using them once a week is the best way of seeing results and not irritating the skin.

When should you use a face mask in a routine?

The best time to use a face mask is in the midst of your skincare routine, meaning your skin should be fully cleansed and makeup free. Once the mask is applied you can wait for 15 minutes for it to get to work. Once you have rinsed the formula off it is best to smooth over a cotton pad soaked in a chemical exfoliant to help slough away any remaining traces of product for left-over debris on the skin. This will ensure your skin is clean and ready to absorb the following steps in your routine, such as serums, moisturisers and face oils.

Do you wash your face after a face mask?

This depends on which face mask and the ingredients in it, for example, an overnight mask would require you to wash off any residue as it can lead to a build-up in product that can result in clogged pores and spots. As previously mentioned, to have the best results from using a face mask you should start with cleansed skin, by washing your face instead of just using an acid toner you will be rinsing away the glowing benefits of the mask, which isn’t the result you were looking for!

Is it better to apply a face mask with a brush?

You may find that applying a face mask with a brush has a better effect overall, from distribution to the longevity of the product. When using a brush with a face mask you will find the whole experience has a more spa-like feel, is more hygienic and has a neater application, not forgetting  to keep your brushes clean of course. There are some face masks brushes available, but a simple flat foundation brush does the job perfectly. Without having to dip your fingers into the pot or use your hands to apply the mask to your skin you will stop the formula from becoming too dirty to use.

Can I use two face masks on the same day?

Yes, you can, just make sure they are able to target different areas of the skin and have complimentary ingredients, for example, the first mask can be a clay formulation and help draw out any impurities in the skin and unclog your pores. With the skin clear with the help of a clay or charcoal mask you can then replenish the skin by using a hydrating and nourishing cream or gel-based mask. This could be a regular mask or overnight, just as long as the ingredients help to restore the skin and leave it feeling hydrated. You can find out more about overnight face masks over on our blog the dedicated guide on how to use an overnight face mask.

There you have some answers to the most popular questions we have seen about face masks, though it can feel a little confusing at times, I hope you have a lot more confidence in using them. You will find face mask application will become second nature and your skincare routine will be working perfectly, leaving you with glowing skin.

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